First Secretary, Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)
Philippe Lortie joined the Secretariat of the HCCH in September 2001 as First Secretary. He is co-responsible for the International Family & Child Protection Law Division which includes the 1980 Child Abduction, 1996 Child Protection, 2000 Protection of Adults and 2007 Child Support Conventions.
Before joining the HCCH, from 1991 to 2001 Philippe Lortie was Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice of Canada. In that capacity, he acted as Head of Canadian delegations to the HCCH, Unidroit and UNCITRAL. Philippe Lortie is a member of the Québec Bar since 1991 and holds degrees in Civil Law (LL.L.) and Common Law (LL.B.). He also holds an LL.M. in international law.