Exhibits open
Merriden Varrall, Partner, Australia Geopolitics Lead, KPMG Australia, Australia
A geopolitical expert will discuss the current trends in population movements and associated capital flows in light of recent world events. What does this mean for advisors to high net worth individuals?
Moderator: Michael Wells-Greco TEP, Partner, Charles Russell Speechlys, Switzerland
Shanti Abraham, Founder/Lawyer, Shanti Abraham & Associates, Malaysia
Philippe Lortie, First Secretary, Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), Netherlands
Lenka Vysoka, Legal and Policy Officer, European Commission, Belgium
What is being done to harmonise laws and systems to better protect vulnerable persons in a cross-border context? What are the challenges to achieving global anpproaches and how can these be tackled?
Peter Jaskiewicz, Academic Director of the Family Enterprise Legacy Institute (FELI), University Research Chair, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada
Lya Glaentzlin D'Ascoli TEP, Foreign Investments Attorney expert in Digital Assets and Web3, CLA Consultores SAS, Colombia
Rachael Muldoon, Barrister, Maitland Chambers, UK
Demetre Vasilounis TEP, Associate, Knowledge and Practice Innovation, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Canada
We had this extraordinary moment around 2021 where government COVID relief money turbocharged the crypto economy and then we have this present moment where the physical world has taken precedence, most clearly in the armed conflicts underway.
In the shadow of this, we had SBF and FTX rocket to extraordinary heights on the promise of crypto and then collapse for the oldest reasons of all, simple fraud. Ultimately, the basics of planning are still as important as ever. An expert panel debates the risks and certainties of crypto in today’s world.
Moderator: Hannah Mantle TEP, Forsters, UK
Vicki Ammundsen TEP, Director, Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law Limited, New Zealand
Esmond Brown TEP, Counsel, Appleby, Cayman Islands
Nigel Kat, Parkside Chambers, Hong Kong
Modern family dynamics are creating new precedents. This session looks at some recent cases involving polygamous partners and the conflicts that can arise when cultures clash.
Judge Jalil Asif KC, Cayman Islands
Holly Cunliffe TEP, Partner, Aird & Berlis LLP, Canada
Ben Havard TEP, Partner, Collas Crill, Guernsey
As populations globally are getting older, incidences of vulnerable client financial abuse are sadly on the rise. Our panel considers recent vulnerable client abuse cases and what lessons practitioners can take from these to help tackle abuse and protect clients.
Giulia Cipollini TEP, Senior Partner, Head of Private Clients and Tax Italy, Withers, Italy
Sianne Haldane TEP, Founder, Boon Impact, UK
Assaf Hasson, Gornitzky & Co, Israel
There is a knowledge gulf in the private client sector around philanthropy and impact, which is preventing advisors from engaging their clients on these topics despite a clear and growing demand for these services. As a result, clients are missing out on products, services and advice that would allow them to meet their ambitions of having a positive impact with their wealth. We will share practical examples on how some innovative organisations are integrating non- financial outcomes into their products and services and how these can be leveraged to create impact and meet clients’ deeper goals.
Henry Lam, Managing Director, HSBC, Hong Kong
Greg Limb, Partner, Global Head of Family Office and Private Client, KPMG, UK
Natacha Onawelho-Loren TEP, Managing Director, Accuro Trust (Switzerland) SA, Switzerland
Ingrid Pierce, Global Managing Partner, Walkers, Cayman Islands
A panel of leaders answer questions on the future of the industry: what do they think will be the biggest challenges? What skills do they believe are needed to tackle these? What advice would they give to those following in their footsteps?